Monday 19 December 2011

Own your submission

A few years ago I was giving a talk about "ownership" in a professional environment. The gist was somewhat like:

Whatever your role, however unimportant you are in a job, you must own the responsibility given to you. Take a project manager, he is paid for delivering his project on time and budget. Yet that does not mean he owns it.  If the company who is paying is not interested in the success of the project, then he can either slack and do whatever he wants or vice versa he is in trouble because no matter how hard he tries, he won't be able to deliver.

Ownership means that your employer buys your time and adequate work. If it is a free giveaway because a department needs you and a few more other guys to hit body count or if the job just exists because some other people did not like your boss but cannot get rid of him, get the hell out.

Now I recently read the most uninspiring book about femdom (I shall not disclose the title just to keep this piece of cheap ebook pron unmentioned as much as possible) and upon reflection I felt that ownership was what was lacking. The role of the Mistress was one of a person enjoying cruelty the role of the submissive was one of a person feeling sexually inadequate, unable to look face to face to the dominant if needed and generally not at all a person who dared to stand their ground.

It made me realise how much ownership of anything you do is important in life. Even in submission. If you do not pride in doing your best to deliver what is expected from you or if the person you want to deliver for does not have a vested interest in grooming you and challenging you that little bit further, then its not worth trying. Get the hell out.

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